Chase's Washington D.C. - September 21, 1908
CHASE'S PROGRAM WEEK SEPTEMBER 21, 1908 Orchestra Recital HENRY F. SMITH, Musical Director March ..... "Bugle Blasts" ..... Wagner Overture ..... "Faust" ..... Gounod Quartette ..... "Rigoletto" ..... Verdi March ..... "Tipperary" ..... Fulton Harry Burgoyne, The Picquays, "The" Quartette McDONALD, ELLIS, McKENNA and WOOD America's Greatest Vaudeville Vocalists. Mr. S. Miller Kent and Company In an Original Playlet, Entitled, "MARRIAGE IN A MOTOR CAR." By Edgar Allan Woolf. CAST
Time -- The Present Intermission of Five Minutes Emergency Exits Indicated by Red Lights. Knabe Piano Used. On Holidays and Election Nights There Will Be No Intermission Nor Will Door Checks Be Given Rosaire and Doreto, Barry and Wolford, In Their Typical Topical Broadway Comedy Confection Virginia Harned and Company, In "THE IDOL OF THE HOUR." A Playlet in One Act by Miss harned. Scene -- Apartment in Fashionable Hotel. CHARACTERS:
Time -- Present. 11 O'clock at Night. "The American Vitagraph" "TALES THE SEARCHLIGHT TOLD."
$1.50 SHOWS for 25 and 50 cents. NEXT WEEK THE BEST IN TOWN AND AT ONLY ONE-THIRD OF REGULAR THEATRE PRICES. NOT $2.00, NOR EVEN $1.50, BUT 25 AND 50 CENTS. DAILY MATINEES 25 CENTS. A Two Dollar Star At Chase's Every Week. THE HEIGHT OF HILARITY Polite Vaudeville next week draws another of its sharp contrasts and "King Comus and His Merrie Crewe" will ascend the throne of theatricals here, the first to entertain the Court being -- NAT M. WILLS Comedian-Star of "A Son of Rest" and "A Lucky Dog" and Incomparable Interpreter of Itinerant Types of Peripotetic People Commonly Called "Weary Willies." HOME-COMING WEEK FOR "HAPPY NAT." Fill your phonograph of fun full of recollections of many minutes of merriment which he will afford you in his meanderings along the highways of hilarious yarns, songs, parodies, anecdotes and axioms. ADDED ATTRACTION, Especially Secured for Presentation in this Program, Agnes Scott and Horace Wright, In the Wonderfully Effective and Effervescent Comedy, "THE WALL BETWEEN." A Pretty Love Charmingly Pursues its Delightful Way Among the Songs and Situations of the Play. Special Novelty Feature, Affording an Enlivening Interruption, MELVILLE ELLIS, The Popular Composer-Pianist and Collaborator of Book and Lyrics of Recent Broadway Musical Productions. In a Pianologue Attaining Pleasurable Perfection The International Skatorial Sensation. BOWEN, LINA and MOLL Gyration Grotesques in Eccentric Exploits MULLER, CHUNN and MULLER, CALLAN and SMITH "The Boys with the Euducated Feet." The American Vitagraph Presenting "THE FISHERIES AT ASTRAKHAN." Daily Matinees 25 c Seats Now On Sale Evenings 25 c and 50 c. Tales the Searchlight Told (1908) was an Edison film that showed night scenes. The Fisheries at Astrakhan (1908) was a Pathé actuality short. S. Miller Kent played in at least one film, The Cowboy and the Lady (1915). Someone named Margaret Gordon also appeared in at least one film, an Australian film called Our Friends the Hayseeds (1917). Shelley Hull is known to have appeared in two films. Nat M. Wills appeared in at least two silent films, including one of him "singing". Agnes Scott appeared in at least one film. Last Modified January 1, 2011 |