Pantages Theatre, Seattle, Washington - April 1, 1929
Coming Next Week "TRIAL MARRIAGE" Laugh at Winter Police Parking Tags cost $200 and a lot of trouble. Why
take a chance when you can PARK AT
PANTAGES POLICY PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 1, 1929 Whether it is a Masquerade, Theatrical or Carnival, Brocklinde has the Correct Costume On the Screen "Sonny Boy," new Al Jolson hit, may be obtained in Sheet Music and Records at Sherman, Clay & Co., 3rd Ave. and Pine St. "Headquarters for Music and Home Entertainment." ZANDRA PSYCHIC & ADVISOR Born in INDIA of American parentage, ZANDRA has devoted a life-time study to the Occult and its influences upon the very ground of its birth. Years of constant, untiring service in this country and abroad have won on ZANDRA a world-wide reputation as a confidential consultant upon life's difficulties whether business, health or affairs of the heart. He will astoundyou with his remarkable powers. CONSULT HIM TODAY. THE GREEN GATE, Inc. 616 PINE ST. MAn 8237 GOOD CLEAN COAL Northern Pacific Roslyn Burnsright Utah
Blue Blaze Utah Wilkeson Nut Peacock Wyoming Satisfaction or Your Money Back EDGEWATER FUEL CO.
WHEN IN TACOMA INVESTIGATE TACOMA, WASHINGTON "Marie," new Irving Berlin waltz, may be obtained in sheet music, records and piano rolls at Sherman, Clay & Co., Third Avenue and Pine Street, "Headquarters for Music and Home Entertainment." PATHE SOUND NEWS "Lady of the Morning," new ballad fox trot, may be obtained in sheet music and records at Sherman,, Clay & Co., Third Avenue and Pine Street, "Headquarters for Music and Home Entertainment." SHANGHAI RESTAURANTS Opposite Smith Building No Cover
Charge Dancing 9 -- 12:30 A.M. 711 PIKE STREET 106 SECOND AVE. WEBSTER & STEVENS After the show go to Kiang Nam Cafe
Your PARKING PROBLEM SOLVED Intelligent Automotive Service
Day and Night Service Brocklinde Costume Shop carries a complete line of Costumes for all occassions. "COLLEGIANS" "On A Quiet Afternoon," Murray and Harris' big Radio Hit, may be obtained in Sheet Music at Sherman, Clay & Co., Third Ave. and Pine St., "Headquarters for Music and Home Entertainment." THE HOTEL LOTUS COVESTONE Tailor KIANG NAM CAFE -- IN THE HEART OF SEATTLE'S CHINATOWN
MALONE'S CANDY Made Today Sold Today FOR MOTHERS DAY DANCING "Wedding of the Painted Doll," new theme song for "The Broadway Melody," may be obtained in Sheet Music and Records at Sherman, Clay & Co., 3rd Ave. and Pine St. "Headquarters for Sheet Music and Home Entertainment." PLOETZ BROTHERS AND SISTER For Safety, Economy and Comfort Seattle's Newest and Ultra-Modern Hotel and Coffee Shop KIANG NAME CAFE -- IN THE HEART OF SEATTLE'S CHINATOWN
MALONE'S CANDY Made Today Sold Today Phone Eliot 1148 No Cover Charge Dancing -- 8:30 P.M. to 12:30 A.M. -- Dancing WE REPAIR ZIPPERS TYPEWRITER CORPORATION of WASHINGTON Brockline Costume Shop carries a complete line of Costumes for all occasions NANCY FAIR in "Bits of Life" "My Honeymoon Waltz," beautiful new waltz, may be obtained in Sheet Music, Records and Piano Rolls at Sherman, Clay & Co., 3rd Ave. and Pine St. "Headq't'rs for Music and home Entertainment." E. W. O'KEEFE, INC. STOLLE DRUG CO.
Made Today MALONE'S CANDY Sold Today VANCE HOTEL Times Square Permanent Winter Rates "On a Quiet Afternoon," Murray and Harris' big Radio Hit, may be obtained in Sheet Music at Sherman, Clay & Co., Third Ave. and Pine St., "Headquarters for Music and Home Entertainment." Coming Next Week "Avalon Town," a new ballad fox trot, may be obtained in sheet music and records at Sherman, Clay & Co., "Headquarters for Music and Home Entertainment." ROSE UPHOLSTERING CO. "Anything" That is Overstuffed We Repair and
Make Like New 121 WESTERN AVE. WEST (near Denny Way) GArfield 1717 (Pages without movie related information are omitted. Since this program is stuffed full of ads, it is difficult to find the actual presentation details. Here they are in brief.) On the Screen PATHE SOUND NEWS "COLLEGIANS" PLOETZ BROTHERS AND SISTER NANCY FAIR in "Bits of Life" (Vaudeville) Coming Next Week More Information on the Pantages Theatre... The Pantages Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified September 10, 2011 |