Hudson Theatre, New York City, New York, USA - February 26,1917
HUDSON THEATRE Vol. II Week of February 26, 1917 No. 12
REEL CHATTER HAMPTON DEL RUTH, the scenario editor in chief grew so excited over the fact that he was going to be married that he made a mistake and bought a dog license. The hound. Here is AL JOLSON'S latest direct from the Majestic Theatre, where he is appearing in "Robinson Crusoe, Jr.," the Winter Garden Show. It is the serious moment in a rollicking show. Jolson, as Crusoe's man, Friday, is captured by a bloodthirsty crew and condemned to walk the plank. He entreats his captors to spare his life. "Give me one good reason why you should not die here and now," commands the leader. "Well, boss, I sure do want to live long enough to see MRS. VERSON CASTLE in the last episode of 'Patria,'" replies Al, and the audience goes wild. SESSUE HAYAKAWA has been completely ostracized by his fellow players at the studio since his return from Honolulu where the Hawaiian scenes in the adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Bottle Imp" were staged. The specific offense committed by the noted Japanese actor was his learning to play that heathen instrument, the ukulele. This would not have been so bad in itself were it not for the fact that Hayakawa's dressing room immediately adjoins that of Wallace Reid, the champion all round musician of the United States. As a result of the frightful sounds which are being emitted from these two dressing rooms, they have been christened "The Pest House." ETHEL CLAYTON Who is Soon to be Seen Opposite Rockliffe Fellows in "The Web of Desire." MARY MILES MINTER has just completed "The Gentle Intruder," and will soon start work on "Environment," the first of a new series of six features to be released through Mutual. CHARLIE MURRAY has been sentenced to two more years with the Keystone. MARTIN KINNEY, "the Fuzzy-Wuzzy" of the Foxfilm comedies, dreamed that his back hair had been cut and his good fortune thus reduced to ruins. Mr. Kinney awoke in a perspiration, for, as good fortune would have it, he had attended church that night and the text had been on Samson and Delilah. Mr. Kinney appreciates the feeling of the strong man when he parted with his locks. In addition annexing a husband, MAE MURRAY seems to have permanently acquired ROBERT LEONARD as a director. Leonard has supervised the star's most recent productions and is now beginning work on the new one in which she will soon appear.
Star Movie Magazine 1328 Broadway, New York City Vol. 2 Week of FEB. 26, 1917 No. 12 Our Cover Girl Ella Hall was born in New York March 17, 1897, and was educated in a New York private school. When a little girl, she was chosen to David Belasco to play a principal part in "The Grand Army Man." After that she understudied Mary Pickford in "The Warrens of Virginia" and following these appeared with Isabelle Irving in "The Girl Who Has Everything." In 1910 she joined David Griffith's Biograph company, where she was connected for two years; going to the Reliance company for a few months. She became a star with the Universal company with whom she has been ever since. She has been featured in the serial "The Master Key" also in innumerable five-act productions. Among her many features "Jewel," "Secret Love," and "The Love Girl," "The Bugler of Algiers," and "Her Soul's Inspiration" have shown her to best advantage. Miss Hall is 5 feet 1 inch in height and weighs 105 lbs. She has light hair and blue eyes. Her favorite diversions are swimming, driving and classic and ball room dancing. STUDIO NOTES "God's Law and Man" is the title decided upon for the forthcoming Metro-Columbia feature screen version of Paul Trent's novel, "A Wife by Purchse," in which VIOLA DANA will be seen as a Hindoo girl. MARTIN KINNEY, the "Fuzzy-wuzzy" of William Fox comedies, a title gained by his distinctive back hair, is out for preparedness. "In case of war," says he, "I'll be the first to go - and wish 'em luck." RENE GUISSART, the cameraman who will photograph MARY GARDEN'S first Goldwyn picture under the direction of Allan Dwan, is a hero of the battle of the Somme and wears a medal awarded him by the French government for valor in action during the early days of what is now one of the longest battles in history. WHEELER OAKMAN, Mabel Normand's leading man, has fallen heir to a poultry ranch. Some chicken himself. There are murmurs of a new spring fashion emanating from the Laskey studio. It is said that Miss A. B. Hoffman, director of costumes at the studio, has originated a feminine creations that is to be known as "The joan." It is, of course, reminiscent of "Joan the Woman" in which Geraldine Farrar created such a success, and it is modeled upon the costumes of the period when the peasant girl wrought her wondrous deeds. When FRANK HAYES, chief of the Keystone Cops, was asked the best way to disperse a mob, he recommended that the hat be passed.
HUDSON THEATRE Weekday Prices: Matinee 5c, Evenings all seats 10c. Prices for Saturday, Sundays and Holidays - Matineee: Children 5c, Adults 10c. Evenings 01c to all. The most popular theatre in this vicinity, showing all
the best Photoplay Productions. PROGRAM Monday, Feb. 26 -- William Fox presents the alluring little artiste "A Modern Cinderella" is a little girl who tries to help her sister's fiancée but she falls in love with the man herself - andcomplications result. A delightful charming picture of happiness. FRANCIS BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE in "FROM SUNSHINE to SHADOWS," being the 4th episode of "THE GREAT SECRET". OTHERS Tuesday, Feb. 27th - Daniel Frohman presents the supreme favorite Never before has Miss Pickford been given such a fine opportunity to portray her own dainty self on the screen. A charming picture, with love, romance and the joys and sorrows of Little Mary in the robes of royalty, make a picture enjoyed by young and old alike. Other Select Pictures Wednesday, Feb. 28 - Metro Film Corp. present the screen favorites How young William Kellogg, heir to his uncle's millions, sets out to prove that he is able to earn his own living; how he meets the fair Rosiland Chalmers, a society girl who loses her heart to him even though she believes him to be a burglar forms a story brimful of thrills, dramatic surprises and delightful romance. Complete in five parts. Also Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in one of their delightful comedies. Others.
HUDSON THEATRE Thursday, March 1 -- Famous Players present the noted stage favorites Mr. Cherry's delightful impersonations of the absent-minded peer who neglects his wie inorer to devote his time to scientific experiments is one in which you will delight in seeing him. A brilliant play, depicting the crafty wiles of three able men whose efforts to out-think each other in this gripping struggle for the beautiful Lady Lumly forms an absorbing tale full of real and vital interest. Other Pictures. Friday, March 2 -- Pathe Presents A strong and gripping story of modern life, depicted with absolute fidelity to life, arousing the interest of the spectator and holding it to the highest pitch. A forceful drama and a wholesome dramatic entertainment. Hearst Pathe News - The World Before Your Eyes And a good comedy - a regular gloom chaser. Saturday, March 3 -- World Film Corp present beautiful Gradually as the early fascinating and novelty of the place wear away, the intense loneliness of thelife at the deserted post begins to pall on the young wife and she yearns for companionship. The strain is indeed a severe one and at times she almost imagines she is losing her reason. Then (?) Also the well known Max Linder the French Charlie Chaplin in a thrilling three-reel comedy "Ups and Downs" Others. Sunday, March 4th-- Paramount presents the idolized favorite of the screen It is rarely indeed that the motion picture public has been privileged to witness so exquisitely artistic a performance as that of Mary Pickford in this adaptation of John Luther Long's immortal classic, "Madame Butterfly." As the forsaken Cho-Cho-San, waiting the return of the faithless American husband, Mary Pickford presents an innocent pathetic figure who proceeds through her many sorrows with unconquerable courage and endurance. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in one of their charming comedies. Others. Program subject to Change at Discretion of Management
QUESTION BOX Mail questions to "Answer Man," Star Movie Magazine Co., 1328 Broadway, N. Y. C. Room 840. In asking about plays or players try to give name of Company and title of film. V.S. - Lillian Lorraine opposite William Courtleigh in "Neal of the Navy." Mary Pickford is not in New York at present. Charlie Chaplin's Grandmother. - It's about time you sold your hammer and bought a horn. Don't be a "Knocker," and don't believe all the "inside information" you get. Remember there are people who would think you a "nut" for raving about your favorite. So you know lots of people in the Movies? Well, so do I. Everyone that reads a moving picure magazine knows that Lottie Pickford is married. Thanks for the good wishes. Come again - without the hammer. Nuts. - the Indians in "Buffalo Bill" were real. Anita Stewart was born in Brooklyn twenty years ago. Sorry but we do not supply photographs. "Easy Street" is Chaplin's latest. Neither Ham nor Bud are married and they are not related. Hart's latest is "The Gun Fighter." No, Charlie isn't married - but you haven't any chance. Leonard S. - Haven't Anderson's address. Farnum, care Fox Film Co. Mae Z. - No, they aren't married. Lockwood and Allison in "The Promise." M.O. - Try Triangle. "Flo" is being produced and will be released shortly but until then I cannot give you the winner's name. Hope you success with your ms. L. & A. - Grace Cunard in "The Purple Mask." Flora Finch was last with Thanhouser in "Prudence, The Pirate" but she is soon to be seen in a new series of comedies. Hilliard is unmarried. Ella Hall in "The Bugler of Algiers" and "Her Soul's Inspiration." Haven't you seen them? E. Reggie - Conway Tearle was Ralph in "Helene of The North." Address him care C. K. young Corp., 729 Seventh Avenue, N.Y.C. D. J.'s Admirer - Wallace Reid in "Carmen." E. R. B. - Sherril was born April 14, 1898, brown hair, blue eyes. Address him 230 W. 79th Street. He is unmarried. Zoe - Kellard is unmarried. Address, care Pathe, 1 Congress Street, jersey City, N. J. That is his correct name. Always glad to receive a new member. Lone Wolf - Many thanks for the cute little Valentine. An Admirer - Theodore Freibus in "Pearl of the Army." Address him care Pathe. Babe E. - Will try to get a cover of Wallace Reid. He is twenty-five and married to Dorothy Davenport. Mable - Yes, to your question, and we hear he walks the floor nights. Never mind, don't cry about it., there is lots of nice young men on the "Heights." No; it is not twins. Alice S. - Address Mary Miles Minter, 1515 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, Cal. Vivian - Maurice Tourneur and Joseph Kaufman are Artcraft Directors. A. P. M. - Gladys Hulette is just sixteen. I almost made that mistake myself. She always plays "grown-up" parts. Irish Stew, "Ham and," Coffee and "Sinkers" are among others she is learning to cook. She is a very good actress. Wait until you see her in "Pots and Pans Peggie." N.W - Creighton Hale was the Prince in "Snow White." Bess - Arnold Daly is still among the living. "A Daughter of the Gods" is splendid. Doris A. - "What Will the People Say," "The Eternal Question," "The Scarlet Woman," "Playing With Fire," "Extravagance," "The Black Butterfly," and more recently in "The Secret of Eve." Mahlon Hamilton also played in "The Red Woman" for World. He is an American. Sorry but I cannot answer your last question. Watch the theatre advertisements. Miss G. S. - Marshall Neilan in "May Blossom." F. J. B. - Alan Dale does not appear in the case of "War Brides."
DO YOU KNOW THAT -- After a sharp competition with agents of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, VALESKA SURATT acquired last week some workings in gold which are among the most ancient in existence. Several hollow balls which she bought are considered examples of the earliest known jewelry. It is supposed that they date back to King Zer of the 1st dynasty of Egypt. The gold globes show a perfect mastery in making minute threading holes and in soldering, without leaving a trace of excess or a perceptible difference in color. When the latest war scare was at its height, HENRY B. WALTHALL asked the janitor of the apartment building where he resides if he would go to war. "War would be a sweet dream to me," exclaimed the janitor, "compared with stoking the furnaces of this building during zero weather. Yes, I think I'll take the rest if war comes." One of the principal players in "The Mystery of the Double Cross," Pathe serial, is LEON BARY, formerly Sarah Bernhardt's leading man, who after the outbreak of the European war fought for seeral months in the trenches. The serial features MOLLIE KING, one of the youngest screen stars, in the role of heroine. FORD STERLING is stopping at Los Angeles' best hotel, the Alexandria - that is, long enough to write his letters. DORIS KENYON has been forced to purchase a pair of pantaletters, as the wind in Chicago, Ill., is said to blow with an upward movement. GERALDINE FARRAR. It seems strange at first to think of Miss Farrar as a movie star, but her work in "Joan, The Woman" is a notable proof of the high standard of attainments that is now required from those who play in the full glare of that terrible truth-teller, the moving camera. The average European husband and father would "go broke," if he attempted to dress his wife and daughters as lavishly as the average American man does. That is the verdict of MAX LINDER. Max has had three months time in which to arrive at his decision. "American women seem to wear wonderful garments," remarked Max. "A bricklayer's daughter here dresses as well as a countess. American women are admirable creatures."
An Unusual Opportunity for Motion Picture Talent Free Tryout Given GOOD TYPES AND NEW FACES ALWAYS WANTED A free tryout given to those who desire to enter Motion Picture work. A prominent Director, producer of big Picture Successes, in one of the best known studios, offers this opportunity to a selected number of non-professional, talented people. Those who wish will be given the privilege of having rehearsals and a screen test to show how they register. Fee for film used. When qualified will be given parts in Studio Production. Good wardrobe important. Call at once. VICTOR STUDIOS Photos from MADAME BUTTERFLY (1915) Photos from PRUDENCE THE PIRATE (1916) Advertising herald for THE BUGLER OF ALGIERS (1916) More Information on the Hudson Theatre... The Hudson Theater at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified April 11, 2012 |