Teller's Shubert Theatre, Brooklyn, New York - October 31, 1926
TELLER'S Direction
What the Man Will Wear Nature nodded when she created this massculine foot. It is an unprepossessing lump. Why, ten, accentuate its shapelessness by wide-toed, thick-soled shoes? These are not objectionable at sports, but they are absurd with one's town kit. The slender, sloping toe is the proper thing to wear, as pictured in the foregoing sketch. Here you see the shoe, recently revived, having a vamp of black calfskin and an instep insert of gray suede. Morning. There's a glove on hand for every occasion, but few men seem to know it. There are formal gloves; semi formal gloves; informal gloves. There are gold gloves and riding gloves. There are lined and unlined gloves. There are leather gloves, wool gloves, fur gloves and combinations of leather with wool and leather with fur. There are capeskin, pigskin, elkskin, buckskin and, now goatskin, just to name f few types for street and sport. It is a time-honored rule of fashion that one must not go ungloved if a top coat or any overgarent is worn. What a droll figure a man whould cut if he strode along carrying his shoes in his hand! Only a trifle less ridiculous is the practice of carrying one's gloves. They should be put on. They are both a protection to wear and a decoration to the wearer. Goatskin gloves, illustrated along-side, are new to most men, but they have been in vodue for several seasons. ---BEAUNASH. Addresses where merchandise described in the forgoing can be obtained may be had fro the New York Theatre Program Corporation, 108-114 Wooster Street, New York. Teller's Shubert Theatre
REQUESTS BY MAIL for reservation of seats or boxes must necessarily be accompanied by check or curent funds to secure the desired reservations. LADIES' RETIRING ROOM left at Entrance and Balcony. GENTLEMEN'S SMOKING ROOM staircase to right at main entrance. SUGGESTIONS TO PATRONS LOST ARTICLES should be reported at once to the box office. EVERY DIFFICULTY ARISING in respect to Errors in Tickets or Locations of seats and All Complaints should be referred to the management for speedy and proper adjustment. CHECK ROOM at right and left Main entrance of Orchestra Floor, where coats and wraps may be checked. PUBLIC TELEPHONES in Ladies' Retiring Room and Gentlemen's Smoking Room. Exner Piano is used in this theatre. The management desires herewith to notify its patrons that the parking of cars about this theatre is prohibited by law, and therefore, it will not be responsible to patrons parking the same. The management desires herewith no one connected with the management of this theatre is authorized to receive or care for cars belinging to patrons, and that those entrusting the same to any person do so at their own risk. The exceptional cigarette for the exceptional man ** who feels he's entitled to Life's best MURAD
"The Firm that is making it Safe to Buy Furs" KING : FADA : ATWATER-KENT : FRESHMAN : RADIOLA : ZENITH : STROMBERG - CARLSON and Other Famous Radio Receiving Sets Sold on Terms as Low as $2.50 Weekly Jacob Brothers NEW, GUARANTEED All the popular models of Orthophonic Victrolas, Electrolas and Victrola-Radiola combinations ready for immediate delivery Teller's
FIRE NOTICE: Look around NOW and choose the nearest Exit to your seat. In case of fire, walk (not run) to THAT Exit. Do not try to beat your neighbor to the street. BEGINNING SUNDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1926 KING VIDOR'S PICTURIZATION THE BIG PARADE Starring JOHN GILBERT with RENEE ADOREE The Cast
THE NEW YORK THEATRE ADVERTISING MEDIU) The Ideal Investment for Executors Administrators and
Trustees Because -- (1) Payment of Principal and Interest is Guaranteed. (2) They are payable on the termination of the trust or on the death of the holder. (3) At the expiration of three years on any interest day upon sixty days notice. INVEST FROM $100 UP. NEW YORK TITLE AND MORTGAGE COMPANY Capital Funds Oer $30,000,000 PROGRAM Should anything go wrong -- money back. That's the program here! The best of everything men and boys wear. Proces moderate Broadway at Liberty Broadway at
Warren Broadway at 13th St. Feeling that a collection of the Rogers Peet cartoons might make an interesting record of plays seen, we shall be glad to provide a little albu for these clippings. Write to, or call at any of our "6 Convenient Corners." TELLER'S SHUBERT THEATRE GOTHAM FASHION NOTES NATURE makes no two leaves exactly alike, and it applies its perogative also to legs. Most legs are beautiful, none are identical. And that is the reason why women with the most shapely of limbs can make them even more so with custom-made stockings GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE SILK STOCKINGS PROGRAM CONTINUED
PERFUMES, ETC. If you Take Pride in the Appearance of Your Car and Want Workmanship of the Better Grade, the HOFFMAN-SPRAGUE CORP. WINKELMAN'S latest contribution to fashion... evidently correct... voguishly new. In seasonable leather combinations. $10 Windelman THE PRUDENTIAL SAVINGS BANK "Save a little -- watch it grow" PROGRAM CONTINUED The Stage Presentation by Major Edward Bowes Musical Score Composed and Arranged by David Mendoza and Dr. William Axt PROGRAM CONTINUED ON SECOND PAGE FOLLOWING Dine and Dance at the HUGHES Inc.
NEXT WEEK The forthcoming engagement of "The Big Parade," King Vidor's picturization of Laurence Stalling's stirring world story, which opens at Teller's Shubert Theatre Sunday night, Oct. 31, is being much discussed, and the opening is awaited with keen interest. Those who have had the advantage of seeing "The Big Parade" in other cities predict that motion pictures will take another step forward with the showings of this production which contains a great love story and abounds in humanity and humor. The theme deals with a phase of the World War, but that might theme is handled for the first time not politically nor as melodramatic spectacle, but the itimate drama of the individuals who struggled, fought, loved and suffered. This method of treating the personal side of epic events was brought to the fore, for the Southern story, by "The Birth of a Nation," and for the Eastern locale it was developed by "Way Down East." In "The Covered Wagon" the fortunes of the Wingate family in their cross-Continent pilgrimage formed the exciting interest. Now in "The Big Parade" Stallings and Vidor have a theme enthralling to all Americans in the story of three doughboy musketeers and a French girl during the American push across the Argonne. John Gilbert, the star; Karl Dand and Tom O'Brien appear as American buddies, while the farmhouse girl, Melisande, is enacted by Renee Adoree, herself a Frenchwoman. In filming the story Mr. Vidor enjoyed the counsel of Stallings (himself a veteran of the Great Events) but also had the ample resources of the big Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer concern which is presenting this picture. If you like style and need comfort you'll find BOTH in a modish pair of flexible arch Cantilever Shoes NEW YORK STORES BROOKLYN STORE Valet AutoStrop Razor The New and Beautiful Remodeled PROGRAM CONTINUED FIRST BROOKLYN APPEARANCE THE BIG PARADE King Vidar's (sic) Picturization of Laurence Stalling's
Story All Humanity is a Part of it. The World and His Wife Are
There! See the Picture -- Hear the Music -- You Will Understand Theater map with exits marked. "Good thing you've got shock absorbers? Even as it
was I thought my spine was going right through my hat."
NOTE: This program has many pages with just ads. Only pages with theater or movie information are shown here. More Information on the Teller's Shubert Theater... The Shubert Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Programs and photos from THE BIG PARADE (1925) Last Modified November 20, 2020 |