Regent Theatre, Albany, New York - March 5, 1917
PROGRAM WEEK OF MAR. 5 ALBANY'S FINEST PHOTO PLAY THEATRE ------------ MOVIE NOTES The Fox Super De Luxe Production "The Tiger Woman" which will be shown Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday featuring Theda Bara offers her a character as a cold, hard, cruel scheming titled villainess who hesitates at nothing to gain her own selfish ends. It out rivals any previous vampire roles that Miss Bara has made famous. Thursday & Friday Wm. Fox's special "Melting Millions" will feature William Walsh and Anna Luther. One of the novel and sripping incidents of this picture is the hold up in the middle of the night while both the hero and the heroine are attired in their pajamas. Saturday, Pauline Frederick will be shown in the Paramount special attraction "Nanette of the Wilds". Her first appearance as an uncouth, unkept creature, dressed in rags, who does not know the meaning of the word fear, this is considered her greatest picture.
As all bookings are made with you in mind, there is no doubt that you will readily see the bigness of these pictures and agree that they are the best Regent has shown. Heretofore the price of admission has remained the same, but on account of the enormous cost of the Tiger Woman we are compelled to charge ten cents admission matinee during the showing of this picture --------------------------------------- PERFORMANCE CONTINUOUS Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Thursday and Friday Saturday More Information on the Regent Theatre... The Regent Theatre at CinemaTreasures.org Last Modified January 4, 2010 |