The Love Special (1921)
It's a Paramount Picture Strangely, the film's title is not printed on this lobby card. -- Bruce Reid's Latest A Rare Bit of Entertainment
Wallace Reid in "THE LOVE SPECIAL"
This is undoubtedly the best story that Wallace Reid has had of late, and he evidetly realized this himself, for he's put forth his best efforts in the part of Jim Glover, construction engineer. Yes, and he's gone so far as to forget all aout his slick hair comb and clean face to add realism to the part. But of course he comes back to the real Wallie before Agnes Ayres, the heroine, falls in love with him. The story is rather novel in that there haven't been any just like it of late. It has been adapted from Frank Spearman's novel, "The Daughter of a Magnate." It is a clean, wholesome romantic comedy with the two well-blanded, and there's a fine background. There's a villain too, but, unlike other villains, he never gets very far in his operations. The direction is excellent and there's never a chance for comedy that has been missed. There's no particularly extraordinary laughts, but it's a touch here and another there that register genuine humor. And everyone seems to be working toward the same goal.. And everyone gets a chance to do his bit. Reid carries the main role splendidly and other well known players who contribute their respective shares of pleasure to the picture are Theodore Roberts, Agnes Ayres, Sylvia Ashton, Clarenec Burton and Lloyd Whitlock. Snitz Edwards, whose name got a chuckle fro the Rivoli audience, provided some more fun as the "hick". Jim Glover, construction engineer, is selected to guide the president of the road on a trip of inspection. Laura Gage, the president's daughter, is aboard the special train. It isn't long before Harrison, a director, also on the train, is aware that Jim is attentive to Laura. harrison wants Laura himself and decides to get her by buying over a strip of land which Gage has an option on. Laura overhears the conversation. Gage has gone ahead of the party, and in order to reach her father before the option expires and Harrison can acquire the land, she makes a fling trip during a snow storm on an engine which Gover agrees to run when an engineer cannot be found The president is reached in time, the land is saved and Glover wins the girl. What more could anyone want? -- Wid's Daily, March 27, 1921, p.3 with Wallace Reid, Agnes Ayres, and Theodore Roberts. Directed by Frank Urson. Paramount. More Information on this film... Books None. Last Modified December 21, 2020 |