Iris Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA - May 20, 1928![]() IRIS CLAUDE BALL, NATIONALLY KNOWN ORGANIST Program Week of May 20 (1928) SUNDAY, MAY 20 UNDER the BLACK EAGLE with A vivid, gripping picture, founded on the loyalty and devotion of a dog. The flowering of young love. And then the menacing shadow of Black Eagle. __ ADDED __ -- On the Stage --
Monday and Tuesday, May 28-29 -- RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "THE PATENT LEATHER KID" MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 21 and 22 "The COHENS and KELLYS in PARIS" Artists' Models They shocked even the French -- these hard-boiled boys from the Bowery. Their adventures will keep you laughing for weeks. What a break for a couple of hard-working business men -- in Paris on business. What a grand and glorious mess they got into! Oh La La! with __ ADDED __
SUNDAY, MAY 27 WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 JOHNNY HINES He takes you to Chinatown -- joss houses -- flop joints. More surprises than a dish of chop suey. Trapped in a mandarin's palace, he escapes over the bridge of human bodies. __ ADDED __ THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MAY 24 and 25 "OLD IRONSIDES" A Paramount Picture A gallant lad -- a lovely lass -- a man o' war -- romance in the days when America was young. Once more Old Ironsides belches fire __ ADDED __ Monday and Tuesday, May 28-29 -- RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "THE PATENT LEATHER KID"
SATURDAY, MAY 26 Gilda Gray A whie (sic) flower imprisoned -- a girl of purest blood and wondrous beauty -- is made the Devil Virgin of the dreadful cult of Black Lamas! Reared as their estal virgin, her soul has been given over to the intoxicating rite of the Dance. The Devil Dancer! AND HOW SHE DANCES! She dances herself into the heart of an explorer -- into the world -- into strange new peril -- across the bleak wastes of China -- to Bombay -- there to meet the climax of her love and fate as a dancing Nautch girl! There is the burning passion of the Orient -- thrilling escape -- terrifying danger -- and a climax that you'll remember a lifetime. AND GOLDEN GILDA! __ ADDED __ Wednesday, May 30 -- Decoration Day Thursday and Friday, May 31 and June 1 402 National Program & Printing Co. Photos from OLD IRONSIDES (1926) Photos from UNDER THE BLACK EAGLE (1928) More Information on the Iris Theatre... The Iris Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified January 25, 2025 |