Madison-Monroe Theater - January 29, 1917
"REELAND" A Magazine Devoted to Photoplay News Published by GEO. I. WILSON & SONS, Inc. Vol. 1 No. 6 Week of Jan. 29th, 1917 The Girl on the Cover -- Gloria Swanson Gloria Swanson, the Triangle-Keystone favorite, made a unique entry into movieland. Less than a year ago she joined the forces of Mack Sennett in the role of an honest-to-goodness bride. While watching her husband act, she attracted the attention of Sennett and he decided on the spot that an unusual future awaited her as a Keystone comedienne. These expectations have been more than realized, as any filmfan readily testifies. When not romping through various and sundry custard pie romances, Gloria steals away for a day's shooting on the salt marshes along the Pacific. She holds the Keystone record as a bagger of wild ducks. Attention of Miss C. K. Y. James Young dropped in town last week. Mr. Young, who is now directing for the Essanay Company, starts work shortly on "On Trial," in which Henry B. Walthall will play the stellar role. Mr. Young has engaged Doris Kenyon for the principal feminine character and Mr. Young will play a role. Indeed, the director plans to appear in all his future pictures. Following "On Trial," Mr. young will stage "Hawthorne of the U.S.A." for Essanay. Marie Doro has been granted a month's vacation. Naturally, she will haunt the eastern Broadway, looking up frock shops and things. WHY DON'T WE SEE -- Ooh, Can He Dance The word has gone abroad that Kenneth Harlan, late of vaudeville, has arrived on the Coast and is now plunged into the motion pictures under the direction of D. W. Griffith. It marks Harlan's first venture into the realms of the films. Evelyn Brent has been engaged to co-star with Eugene Strong of the Erbograph Company. Miss Brent has been loaned by the Metro Corporation for this special production, after which she returns to the studio, where her work in the "Iron Woman" with Nance O'Neil, and also with Madame Petrova, has caused her to be in demand. Enid Markey Leaves Enid Markey, who has been associated with Thos. H. Ince for some time, has withdrawn from the Culver City studios of the Ince Company and has joined the Corona Cinema Company, a recently formed organizaion engaged in the making of a feature picture based upon the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. Our own film titles: Asthma. Heartburn. Anticipation. Studio Gleanings Alice Brady simply couldn't resist the Auto Show (who could?), so she went and bought herself a new "Paige," she did. (Cue for the joke about turning over a new leaf, but we refuse to spring it). Isn't This News? Grace Cunard, Universal Star, and Joe Moore, one of the famous Moore family, were married last week after an elopement to Seal Beach, a resort just outside of Los Angeles. The couple intended keeping the fact a secret, but friends learned of the issuance of a license through the local marriage bureau. The newlyweds met for the first time four months ago. Mary, why pay salaries for actors. (sic) Why not keep it in the family? Just think: You, alice, Grace, Mina, Owen, Tom, Matt, Jack, Joe and Lottie. Whew, watta cast! George Le Guere, who has been doing the "Seven Deadly Sins" for McClure Pictures during the last six months, has completed his contract. The actor finds sinning for a living anything but fun, and his new motto is "Go and sin no more." That Porterhouse Sounds Good! But "Oh, You Other Things" The Harry Carey Western company entertained at the Universal ranch the other day with a "chuck-wagon" dinner. Fred Kelsey and Harry Gant prepared the feast and they evidently prepared it well, for it was far into the night before the assembled guests arose from the groaning board. One hundred pounds of porterhouse steak with trimmings were consumed by the gathered clans. Al Jennings was ther and he told the boys all about the days when he made more money in an hour than a director nowadays makes in a month. Al held up many a train and robbed numberless banks and averaged a thousand dollars a day when working. "The only difference between my getting the money this way and some of you fellow being paid for acting is that you are within the law," said Mr. Jennings. Al will have his little joke. Oh, yes, they had other things besides steak and trimmings. Good Luck to Ye, Lois! Lois Weber, formerly of the Universal forces, will have a studio all her own in Los Angeles for the purpose of working out some pet ideas she has nourished these many months. She will be backed up financially by the same interest that are responsible for the signing of J. Warren Kerrigan. Work will commence Februray 1 and Miss Weber says she may even go so far as to produce for the camera an adaptation of one of Israel Zangwill's novels. How's the Baby? And George? Seena Owen, who has been away from the Fine Arts Studios for several months, has returned for active work.
MADISON-MONROE THEATRE ADMISSION: -- Afternoons, 5c; Evenings, 10c, Excepting Sunday, Holidays and Special Attraction Evenings, 15c Orchestras Under Direction of SYDNEY BLUMENFELD PROGRAM Monday, January 29th -- Musical Number... "When They Go Through a Tunnel" ... Kalmar, Puck & Abrams K-E-S-E Presents HENRY B. WALTHALL In a Five-Act Adaption of the Famed Novel, Entitles "LITTLE SHOES" This photoplay presents Mr. Walthall in an entirely new type -- one he has never before developed so delightfully on the screen. "Little Shoes" is a drama of the heart, and the noted actor has thrown all of his wonderful emotional talent into a direct appeal of love. MARY CHARLESON portrays the leading feminine role in this visualization. INTERNATIONAL-PATHE Presents Mrs. VERNON CASTLE In the Photoplay Serial that Visualizes Americanism "PATRIA" The First Episode Being "LAST OF THE FIGHTING CHANNINGS" Thrilling in its presentation it brings you face to face with the problems that confronted our forefathers--for which they bled and died. It teaches the lessons of preparedness and patriotism as they have never been taught before. Tuesday, January 30th -- Musical Number........................... "ERNANI" ............................ Verdi ART DRAMAS, Inc., Presents JEAN SOTHERN In a Five-Act Drama, Entitled "HER GOOD NAME" A photoplay of sunshine and heart throbs. It tells the story of a sweet little country girl whose mother is dead, and whose father is a drunkard. Her father misunderstands her friendship with a young artist who is painting her portrait, and in a fit of drunken rage kills the man who, he thinks, has debauched his child. He is arrested for the murder, and the girl to save her father's life admits that her father was justified in committing the crime. "THE HIDDEN HAND" being the third episode of METRO'S POPULAR SERIAL, "THE GREAT SECRET," featuring FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE. Wednesday, January 31st -- Musical Number .......... "PIROUETTE" .......... Herman Fink METRO Presents the Charming Little Star MABEL TALIAFERRO The story of how a little Irish girl saves a man from unhappiness and at the same time gains happiness for herself. Although only "a wife by proxy," the nobility of Jerry's character becomes apparent and she wins the love of her husband. Thursday, February 1st -- Musical Number ..... "Down Where the Swanee River Flows" ..... Broadway Music PARAMOUNT PICTURES Present MARGUERITE CLARK The mention of the name of George Washington probably recalls more vividly to mind the cherry tree incident than the fact that he was the savior of his country, so thoroughly has that story instilled into the minds of the youth of the country. Therefore, "Miss George Washington," conjures up one of two pictures -- a girl who cannot tell a lie, or a girl who cannot tell the truth. In this case the producers have chosen to parody the name and the story deals with one of the most accomplished little fibbers and mischief makers that one could imagine. Friday, February 2d-- Musical Number .......... "The Pearl Maiden Selection" .......... Whitmark TRIUMPH FILM CORPORATION Presents ALMA HANLON and JOHN MASON In a Powerful Six-Act Production, Entitled "THE LIBERTINE" A larger part of this feature visualizes the dream of a young woman who is about to make a great mistake, but who recovers her moral dignity just before it is too late. The play teems with action and dramatic swiftness, arousing the interest of the spectator and holding every inch of the way. Saturday, February 3d-- Musical Number .......... "There's Someone More Lonesome Than You" .......... Von Tilzer PARAMOUNT Presents CLEO RIDGLEY and WALLACE REID In a Five-Act LASKY Production, Entitled "THE YELLOW PAWN" Filled with tense situations and dramatic surprises this story shows the length to which prosecuting officials will go to wring a confession; "the third degree" proves a boomerang. An artist in love with the wife of a district-attorney--a Japanese servant--a murder--complex incidents all handled logically and effectively. Sunday, February 4th--
Musical Number .......... "The Doll Girl Selection" .......... T. B. Harms LEWIS J. SELZNICK Presents CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In a (sic) Elaborate Picturization of Robt. W. Chambers Famous Book "THE COMMON LAW" A story of studio life in which Miss YOUNG play (sic) the part of an artist's model to whom love comes -- nearly too late. The drama is worked out to its conslusion in a manner which captivates the minds and hearts of those who see it, and leaves a comfortable feeling of satisfaction over the fact that a girl starting life under a heavy handicap has proven herself worthy of the highest place in the affections of an educated, high-bred man. Program Subject to Change at the Discretion of the Management
"Lee" The Answer Man Mail your questions to "Lee" The Answer Man. "Reeland," 150 Lafayette Street, new York City. In asking about Plays or Players, if possible give name of Company and Title of Film. -- Send your question along. Sally Ann -- So you're a customer of my magazine? Dat's nice. Douglas Fairbanks played in many stage successes. Among them: "Hawthorne of the U. S. A.," "He Comes Up Smiling, " etc. Theda Bara made her first appearance in"A Fool There Was." I don't believe she ever was on the stage. I answered that quiz on Zoe Rae last week. Yes, she was with Bio (Biograph). Lubin is no longer producing. He has retired. Kleine, Selig, Edison and Essanay are releasing under the name of K. E. S. E.. James Morrison is still with Ivan. Very still. Call again please. Shall I wrap this up or will you take it with you? Anna H. -- Write direct to the stars, they will probably send you their photo. Anxious Ann -- Emily Stevens and Edwin are not related. Emily Stevens is a niece of Mrs. Fiske. D'ever notice the resemblance? Nix on those marriage questions. I may start something. Alice Joyce Admirer -- What's the favor. "Speak and it shall be granted thee, even be it half my kingdom". (Apoligies to old boy Nebuchedneza). Eleanor -- Yep. Billy hart is married. Address him at Culver City, California. John Z. -- I'd like to oblige you but this is a little page and to answer all your questions would mean going in competition with Noah Webster and why should I take fame away from him. W. I. M. S. B. -- What is that, a lodge or something? Anne Schaefer is still with Vita. I never knew she was "titled," that's new to me. Send stamped envelope for that other quiz. No room here for casts. Sorry. H. O. K -- Do what I ask the person above you to do. Cupid -- Nazimova's real name is Alla Nosinoff. Listen, Cupid, I've been looking for you for an awful long time. Say. Was that an arrow you used on me or a club? Red -- Charlie Ray on the cover soon. He's married y'know. Oh, pardon me if I shattered any idle dreams. By the way, hurry up with that generosity. Miss Gay -- Olga Olanova is the wampire (sic) in the "Crimson Stain Mystery." B. F. -- Accent on the last syllable in Grace Cunard's name. Harry C. is very ambitions (he admits it three times on one post card) and anxious to become an actor at oneof "my" studios. Where do you get that stuff, harry? My studios? Oh yes, of course, how stupid of me. "Francis," runout and get me a sandwich. I say "Mary" or you "Doug," answer that phone for me, I'm too busy. Now what was it you wanted to know? Oh, yes -- I remember now Well, come around to "my" studio sometime as long as you want to be an actor. The chief "director" at "my" studio needs a new porter. Y'know, cleaning printing presses isn's such a bad job and then you'd be in "my" studio. Our "What Are They Saying?" Contest Starts in Two Weeks Each week we are going to publish a scene of some famous Photoplay, you must supply the dialogue. Next week we are going to publish a sample picture. The week following -- Bing -- We're off. Among prizes for the cleverest series of answers will be a $500.00 HARDMAN PIANO a $475 PLAYER PIANO a COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE and a lot of other prizes to be announced later Watch Next Week's Issue
Mr. Enrico Caruso photographed in his home playing the Hardman Five Foot Grand CARUSO AND THE HARDMAN PIANO Mr. Enrico Caruso the world's greatest tenor not only endorses the Hardman Piano in the highest terms, but uses one in the intimacy of his own home in preference to all others Why not follow the exampleof one who KNOWS HARDMAN, PECK & COMPANY Hardman House 433 Fifth Avenue, NY Founded 1842 Brooklyn Branch 524 Fulton Street More Information on the Madison-Monroe Theatre... The Madison Theater at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified December 18, 2010 |