The Brass Bullet (1918)

Moving Picture Weekly August 17, 1918 synopsis for LOCKED IN THE TOWER, Chapter 3 fromTHE BRASS BULLET (1918)

Two Reels.
Episode No. 3 – “Locked in the Tower.”


Rosalind Joy

Juanita Hansen

Jack James

Jack Mulhall

Mystery Man

Hal Cooley

Mrs. Strang

Helen Wright

Spring Gilbert

Joe Girard

Victor King

Ashton Dearholt

ROSALIND and James are locked in a burning house. Jamesleaps through the window and bursts in the door, rescuing Rosalind just as theroof collapses. They hurry to the Joy house and James goes in search of HomerJoy and Mrs. Strang. In the laboratory he finds Joy lying upon the floor, deadand Mrs. Strang leaning over him. The Mystery Man appears, leaving James tonotify Rosalind of her stepfather’s death. Mrs. Strang bids the Mystery Manfarewell and he departs in his aeroplane. She then gets in a motorboat andhurriedly leaves the island refusing to take Rosalind with her.

Meanwhile Gilbert and King, believing the Rosalind has beendrowned, leave their yacht to go to Joy’s house and notify him of hisstep-daughter’s death. James and Rosalind, on the beach, note the approach ofthe men and hurry to the house. Rosalind hides in the tower, and James go tomeet the men. Gilbert demands to see Joy, and James show them his dead body.Then Gilbert, declaring that because of Rosalind’s death the fortune is nowhis, and believing it to be hidden somewhere around the place, starts on asearch for the money. He inquires of James if it is hidden in the tower, andJames’ emphatic denial arouses his suspicions. They go to the tower, and therefind Rosalind who they have believe to be dead. King, behind James, creepsslowly upon him with a club upraised. Gilbert, through a hole in his pocket,aims a revolver at Rosalind.

From The Moving Picture Weekly, August 17, 1918, page 31.

Moving Picture Weekly August 17, 1918 ad for LOCKED IN THE TOWER, Chapter 3 fromTHE BRASS BULLET (1918)


Featuring Bewitching Juanita Hansen
The most beautiful girl in serial pictures.

The Universal Serial Enchanting>
The DeLuxe Serial. The finest Universal serial ever filmed. Based on the great story - "PLEASURE ISLAND" from the pen of Frank R. Addams, the celebrated writer of fiction successes.

The serial of greater Box-office value than any other Serial on the market...

Make reservation NOW thru your nearest UNIVERSAL EXCHANGE

Moving Picture Weekly August 17, 1918 ad for LOCKED IN THE TOWER, Chapter 3 fromTHE BRASS BULLET (1918)




From The Moving Picture Weekly, August 17, 1918, pages 24-25.

with Juanita Hansen and Jack Mulhall. Directed by Ben Wilson. Universal.

More Information on this film...





Last Modified April 6, 2013.